Laser measurements. Kiln 1.

Mechanical inspection kiln 1. Diagnosis, conclusion and recommendations. Hot Axis Alignment (direct method), girth gear run out and wobbling, tyre wobbling and roller axis deflection, shell external topography, roller axis position, tyres and rollers topography, electronic shell test.

Burner Alignment

Kiln Number 1.


Axial roller and tire grinding.

Thruster roller grinding.

Se rectificó el escalon de sobre material del rodillo de empuje axial, como así también el costado de la llanta, para lograr un adecuado contacto entre los dos elementos.

Mechanical Inspection Kiln Number 1

Mechanical inspection kiln number 1. Diagnosis, conclusion and recommendations. Hot Axis Alignment (direct method), electronic shell test.

Mechanical inspection kiln number 1.

Tire wobbling and roller axis deflection, shell external topography, roller axis position, tire and rollers topography, electronic shell test.

Roller grinding.

Pier 2. Kiln number 1.

Tune up during start up.

Technical assistance for rollers movements to achieve axis alignment and good contact between pinion and girth gear teeth.

Roller replacement

Technical assistance during replacement. Roller leveling.

Mechanical control for kiln number 1.

Hot Axis Alignment (direct method), girth gear run out and wobbling, tyre wobbling and roller axis deflection, shell external topography, roller axis position, tyre and rollers topography, electronic shell test. Shell topography.